XENTA in HCA Airport
May 22, 2023
”Danish-based Hans Christian Andersen (HCA) Airport, located North of Odense has taken delivery of one of Weibel’s new XENTA surveillance radars.
The XENTA primary purpose will be to look for drones and other aerial vehicles in the vicinity of the Airport. The CEO of HCA Airport, Hans Okholm Vejrup explains “with the increasing drone related activity of HCA, we have concluded that now is the time to invest in a surveillance radar, which can assist to fulfill our needs monitoring drone and aircrafts at HCA. We are confident that the Weibel XENTA radar is the most optimal solution for our challenges in detecting, tracking and classifying aerial objects around our airport”.
Weibel is proud and honored that HCA Airport as the first civilian airport has chosen a XENTA radar for the monitoring of their airport.