Code of Conduct

1. Structure, business and supply chain
Our business model is based on developing and producing radars and the environmental and climate footprint of Weibel is overall related to the use of energy and proper waste handling from our production processes. Our production is located in Denmark and must follow Danish rules and legislation within this area. Based here on the risks related to climate and environment are limited for Weibel.
Our employees are employed in highly regulated and sophisticated labor markets, where human rights between employer and employee is not an issue.
We are serious about our brand because it is part of our identity and so is our commitment to corporate social responsibility. We believe transparency is the best way we can ensure the public that we are doing our best as an ethical corporate citizen. In that spirit, we have published our annual statement for slavery and human trafficking in which we explain how slavery and human trafficking can affect our business and the steps we are taking in the fight against it. Our efforts against slavery and human trafficking complement our broader CSR Policy.
Weibel Scientific A/S headquarter are in Alleroed, Denmark, and sells its products throughout the globe. We have 200+ employees within our organization. Where possible, we engage suppliers who have relationships with existing suppliers so that we can contain our supplier network and improve consistency in ethical practices throughout the supply chain. For a more detailed breakdown of our supply chain composition, please contact our VP Operations.
Building on our existing CSR Policy and our commitment to the Ethical Trading Initiative, we have embraced the requirement to publish an annual slavery and human trafficking statement. This will allow us to share our efforts against slavery and human trafficking and improve and measure our success each financial year.
2. Slavery and human trafficking policies (Code of Conduct)
We expect our suppliers to comply with the principles of our Supplier Code of Conduct, which can be found via the link below, as well as all applicable legal and regulatory requirements. This also includes establishing and maintaining systems to manage risks of adverse impacts of its operations on human rights, the environment and corruption, as well as posing similar requirements throughout the supply chain.
The Supplier Code of Conduct sets out clear objectives regarding slavery and human trafficking plans around the following themes:
Relationships: Strengthening our supplier engagement process
- Feedback: Establishing grievance mechanisms and channels for individual worker feedback
- Knowledge: Improving our knowledge base by collecting relevant data and improving product traceability
3. Due diligence procedures
We understand that our biggest exposure to Modern Slavery is in our product supply chains, where we have undertaken activity to minimize the risk of Modern Slavery. Within these areas, new suppliers and factories/sites are subject to random due diligence checks in the form of audits and questionnaire. Such audits/ questionnaire are also regularly conducted for existing suppliers and factories/sites. These audits assess compliance with and are, amongst other things, intended to identify any Modern Slavery practices. If issues are, identified actions will be taken.
4. Identifying, assessing and managing risk
We set out to identify the extent of any slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains by:
- Yearly audits of supplier/sites in the subject.
- Instituting an annual review questionnaire for existing suppliers to understand suppliers’ self-assessment of slavery and human trafficking issues, allowing us to better identify slavery and human trafficking issues as they develop over time and to collect supplier-provided data to track improvement in suppliers’ attitudes.
5. Key performance indicators
In order to assess the effectiveness of our modern slavery measures we will be reviewing the following key performance indicators:
- Staff training levels
- Number of slavery incidents reported in the supply chain
6. Responsible mineral sourcing policy
We expect our suppliers to comply with the principles of our Responsible Mineral Sourcing Policy, which can be found via the link below, as well as any other applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
The Responsible Mineral Sourcing Policy is set out with the objective to keep our supply chain and products free from conflict minerals and other materials which are produced by child labor or leading to other human rights abuses.