Critical infrastructure surveillance
Military installations, airports, power plants and other installations are increasingly at risk of intrusion by unmanned aerial vehicles, ranging from sophisticated unmanned aircraft to inexpensive drones.

Critical Infrastructure Protection
As advancements are made in UAS technology, critical infrastructure protection is becoming increasingly important. UAVs can carry explosives or biohazardous cargo. That’s why it’s more important than ever to be able to detect and monitor UAV activity.
Weibel’s XENTA-C family of counter-UAS drone radars offers cutting-edge sensors for critical infrastructure protection systems tasked with detection and surveillance of UAV activities.
Offering protection to vulnerable sites, Weibel’s drone detection radars allow you to discover and classify UAVs in your airspace of interest – and to track the UAVs with immaculate precision – even when challenged by high-clutter environments.
The radars are designed to provide situational awareness continuously and with great precision – even when challenged by high-clutter environments such as city or offshore environments. The C-UAS radar can be integrated with a command control system, and through this, essential deterrent systems, including frequency jammers and electro-optical systems.

Weibel’s XENTA-C Counter-UAS radars are the prime sensor for security systems at airports. It offers the markets best technological means to counter the increasing risk of intrusion by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), ranging from sophisticated unmanned aircraft to inexpensive drones.
The XENTA-C is a state of the art X-Band FMCW sensor system, developed for high-performance 3D air surveillance of all types of aerial targets.
The radar is capable of simultaneously detecting, tracking, and classifying all types of aerial targets, both fast moving as well as Low-Slow-Small (LSS) targets.
The XENTA-C radars effectively distinguish hovering drones from ground clutter through detection of micro-Doppler generated from the rotors of the drone, enabling detection and classification even for drones with zero speed.

You can monitor the airspace around critical military and government installations, such as:
- Airports
- Harbors
- Military bases
- Communication towers
As well as civilian infrastructure such as:
- Power plants
- Oil rigs
- Factories
- Dams
- Prisons
- Hospitals